If you are about to play poker online you should first choose a poker room that you can trust. This poker room must be financially reliable, technologically stable, and generally honest.
It's highly recommended that you play for free at a poker room before you make an initial deposit, simply to become familiar with the various software features, the time they give you to make a decision in each hand (this differs from site to site), feeling comfortable with the pre-select buttons that are available, and getting used to the way information is presented to you. Each poker room is different in most of these regards, and you need to feel comfortable with the interface before you play for real money. Yo will also find that many online poker rooms, like pokerroom, offer Mac compatible poker.

You should take advantage of the fact that online poker roomswill pay you to play there, as opposed to your localcard room where the idea would be ridiculous. This is one big advantage ofInternet poker, and you need to exploit it as a new player. Nearly all pokerrooms offer a first-time bonus when you make an initial deposit, and many pokerwebsites offer incentives (reward points that can be converted into money orused to buy merchandise) that are linked to the number of raked hands you playthere. Many new poker players lose out by making a first-time deposit that istoo small. Make sure that you qualify for the largest possible match bonusoffered by the poker room. If the bonus is 50% of your deposit up to a maximumbonus of $100 then make sure you deposit $200 first time out. They are givingyou free money, which will help to offset the cost of the rake over time, so youmust take it all.
Now that you have found a reliable poker room with an excellent initial deposit bonus, a rewards scheme in place to pay you back themore you play there, software that you are comfortable using, and weakcompetition that you can hopefully beat on a regular basis, you are ready tostart playing online poker at a high level.